Sunday, 26 January 2014

A wander through town

Here are a few random pictures of the town/village in which I am living. The first picture is of a most important man he makes my coffee. I usually, after looking over the progress of the work, go to his shop and he knows now what I want.
The hand blower (bottom right) is used like a bellows.

The picture below left is close to the coffee man's shop. It is market day and people who have things to buy just set up shop on the floor wherever they please. (There is also a typical youth, texting his friends no doubt!)

and the picture to the right shows the junction, which is the main reason why this village is here. It is a meeting point and market towns will often develop for this reason.

And lastly, we have a number of more permanent shops in front of a proper building which is the agricultural centre, supported by an British charity called 'Operation Agri'. Next to that is the bank. A very small branch, no bigger than an average garage.

There you have it! And the next issue of the blog I will show the situation so far regarding the renovation. It is quite a site.